People sitting around a table listening to a presentation.
© AHRC/Clegg Bamber
© AHRC/Clegg Bamber

Unpath’d Waters Project Showcased During UKRI Strategy Visit

In December 2022, Unpath’d Waters project staff from Bangor University and Historic England were fortunate to welcome the head of UKRI, Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser.

We summarised our progress so far and explained more about the exciting new research that is taking place within some of the project activities.

The visit was part of a series of engagement events by Dame Ottoline across the UK, showcasing UKRI’s strategy and offering an opportunity for UKRI to demonstrate their support for world-class locations for research and innovation. The visit included a visit to Bangor University’s research vessel ‘Prince Madog’ based in Menai Bridge, Anglesey.

The visit was led by Bangor University Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Professor Paul Spencer. It began with a tour of the ship and a demonstration of its state-of-the-art multibeam sonar system which has been used to capture survey data from many of the shipwrecks that are being studied as part of Unpath’d Waters activity “Science and the Sea”.

Historic England National Listing Manager Paul Jefferey and Unpath’d Waters project Co-Investigator Dr Mike Roberts gave detailed and well-received presentations on a review of the project over its first year and an explanation of how integrating scientific data with the historic record underpins shipwreck identification. It is hoped that linking national collections about these wrecks will help to identify many which, as yet, have no name.