Close up of some carving on an archway at scheduled and Grade I listed Crowland Abbey, Crowland.
Scheduled and Grade I listed Crowland Abbey, Crowland was founded in the 8th century and then re-founded in the mid-10th century. Conservation work on this site has been funded by Historic England. © Historic England Archive DP187438 Explore our images
Scheduled and Grade I listed Crowland Abbey, Crowland was founded in the 8th century and then re-founded in the mid-10th century. Conservation work on this site has been funded by Historic England. © Historic England Archive DP187438 Explore our images

Heritage at Risk is an Official Statistic

In April 2009 Historic England was designated by Government as a provider of official statistics. The Heritage at Risk (HAR) statistics produced by Historic England are defined as official statistics.

As a designated provider of official statistics we follow the regulations set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics - Ensuring official statistics serve the public, published by the Office for Statistics Regulation and UK Statistics Authority, when producing and disseminating these statistics.

Historic England response to the Code of Practice for Statistics

Publication date

Heritage at Risk statistics for 2024 were released on 22 August 2024.


All HAR statistics have been published as a standalone document without any analytical comment from Historic England (PDF only).


A standalone method statement outlining the collection of HAR data is also available on the website.

Pre-release Access

No journalists or external organisations were given access to the data prior to 22 August 2024.

Access to the data before the publication date within Historic England was limited to those colleagues with direct involvement in the production of the HAR statistics.

In addition, the following staff members at Historic England and the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) were given access to the HAR data 24 hours prior to release:

  • Duncan Wilson (Chief Executive)
  • Claudia Kenyatta and Emma Squire (Director of Regions, job share)
  • Adala Leeson (Head of Socio-Economic Analysis and Evaluation)
  • Kath Buxton (Head of Grants)
  • Clare Charlesworth, Natalie Gates and Deborah Williams (Head of Partnerships and temporary cover)
  • Amy Pitts (Director of Communications and Public Engagement)
  • Katharine Grice (Communications Director)
  • Rosie Ryder (Head of Media)
  • Deborah Wall (Head of External Affairs)
  • Alexandra Shaw (Media Manager with responsibility for HAR)
  • Esther Blaine (Public Engagement Manager with responsibility for HAR)
  • Debbie Hickman and Emma Double (Media Managers)
  • Six Regional Directors and seven Heads of Regions
  • Sarah Lasher (Head of Profession for Statistics, DCMS)
  • Jose Seisdedos (Economic Adviser, Heritage Team, DCMS)

Grants Team

Department: Business Improvement