Historic England Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously and treat all the information you give us with great care.

Policy in brief

We are committed to protecting your privacy and will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully. This policy is intended to give you an understanding of how and why we use the personal information you give us and that we receive from others.

We recommend that you read the full policy to understand what information we hold, how we may use it, how we protect it, and what your rights are.

Why we collect personal information:

  • To provide advice, to provide goods and services, to fundraise, to undertake research, to administer grants, for administration and for the prevention/detection of crime, all with the ultimate aim of championing and protecting England’s historic environment
  • We only collect the information that we need or that will help us to provide the best service possible

The types of personal information we collect:

  • Personal information (including name, email, address, phone number) 
  • Information about people we advise, owners, tenants, agents and other parties with an interest in heritage assets, including but not limited to enquirers, supporters, applicants, volunteers and employees

Keeping information secure:

  • We have been awarded Cyber Essentials certification, which demonstrates our commitment to digital security
  • We will never sell your personal data, and we will never share it with another organisation for marketing purposes
  • Information is only shared when we are required to by law or with carefully selected partners who work for us
  • Our website uses cookies. For more information, see the Cookies Section

Use of information

We do not collect any personal information about you, except where it is specifically and knowingly given by you (for example, when you register for an account on the website or request information).

When personal information is collected, it may be used by us to confirm your identity so we can provide our services to you.

It will also be used to process and fulfil requests for information or advice, as well as to improve this website and to help us provide more services in the future.

We may share non-personal aggregated (grouped) data about visitors to this website, its use and other traffic patterns with connected or third parties.

We do not sell or share any information outside Historic England about you as an individual user of this website unless you agree to us doing so.

When you view this website by linking from another web page, Historic England may store that web page's name for internal administration and analysis as described in our use of cookies.

You can decide not to receive marketing communications or change how we contact you at any time. If you wish to do this or if you have any questions concerning your personal data and how we look after it, then please get in touch with us at [email protected]


Details are available from our Website Accessibility Statement

Access to information

As a public authority, Historic England is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.

Find out more about what information we make available and how to request it.

Changes to this policy

We will amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure it remains up to date and accurately reflects how and why we use your personal data. The current version of our Privacy Policy will always be on our website.

Information Governance Manager

  • Address

    The Engine House,
    Fire Fly Avenue,
    SN2 2EH