Former Moor Hospital, Lancaster, Lancashire

A case study for Historic England's Enhanced Advisory Services

An icon on the Lancaster skyline, this former mental hospital finally closed to patients in 2000.

Historic England worked with PJ Livesey, providing expert advice to de-risk the scheme and helping shape the development to achieve its commercial aims while retaining the site’s special historic character.

Working in co-operation with Historic England from the outset, on any heritage asset, always leads to the most successful outcomes and can greatly aid and speed the planning process. We always try and align their heritage aspirations with our decades-long building experience to save the innate character and fabric of a building while also delivering homes that are bright, spacious and meet today's building standards.

Lancaster Moor was a great example of this, uncovering this heritage asset’s special features as well as delivering a wonderful place to live.

Georgina Lynch, Managing Director PJ Livesey

The 16-hectare site, dominated by the main Grade II listed annexe building and the smaller Campbell House, lay derelict until developer PJ Livesey embarked on a regeneration scheme.

This consisted of 175 apartments, together with 7 houses in Campbell House and 23 new build houses. A new build development on the site, delivered by Story Homes, took the total to 400 homes.


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