Engine House at Calcutta Pit, Church Hill, Swannington, Leicestershire

The Calcutta Pit was one of 5 collieries (pits) in Swannington. These gradually stopped being mined in the late 19th century. However, when pumping stopped in these pits, the water began to seep down into mines in the newly developing town of Coalville. In order to solve this problem, it was necessary to set up a Joint Pumping Company, at the former Calcutta mine to drain the whole new coalfield. The Calcutta pumping engine was made by Robert Stephenson and Co. It was capable of removing 54,000 gallons of water an hour. It was installed in 1877 at a cost of £13,000 and worked until 1947.


Leicestershire Swannington


Victorian (1837 - 1901)


engine coal miming rural industry water pump Victorian (1837 - 1901)