Thaxted Guildhall, Town Street, Thaxted, Essex: Tree-ring Analysis of Oak Timbers

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge, Cathy Tyers

Cores from 20 timbers and a slice from another timber taken for this study were analysed along with seven timbers sampled in the early 1990s. A total of 20 dated series were combined into a site master dating to the period AD 1339–1422, with an additional sequence independently dated to AD 1272–1334. One timber retained complete sapwood and was from a tree felled in the very early spring of AD1419. It appears that most of the dated samples form a coherent group, most likely felled at about the same time, although the dates of the final measured rings demonstrate that they cannot all have been felled at exactly the same time and some must have been felled in the 1420s at the earliest. The likely felling date range of AD 1421–53, modified to AD 1428–53 in light of one sample retaining the ring for AD 1428, and this not being the final ring, can be applied to most of the dated timbers.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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