Artwork on an exterior wall of a school building
Richmond Primary School, Hinckley, Leicestershire. © Historic England Archive. View image record DP187614
Richmond Primary School, Hinckley, Leicestershire. © Historic England Archive. View image record DP187614

About the Research Reports Database

On this page you can find out more about the focus and scope of the research reports database and get links to further research resources.

The focus of our research

We carry out and fund high-quality applied research to support the protection and management of the historic environment. Our research programme is wide-ranging and both national and local in scope, with projects that highlight new discoveries and provide greater understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of our historic places.

Our current research focuses on:

  • Researching and investigating historic buildings, sites, landscapes and areas to inform conservation and repair, and to increase understanding and appreciation
  • Identifying and recording sites to guide future planning decisions
  • Looking at the performance of historic buildings and the best ways of conserving their physical fabric
  • Research into the opportunities and threats facing the historic environment Understanding the social and economic value of heritage

The scope of the research reports database

Our historic environment research reports includes work we have funded other organisations to carry out on our behalf, as well as work carried out by our own staff. There are over 8,000 reports going back over 50 years.

The research project topics span:

  • Early Prehistory
  • Industrial heritage and infrastructure
  • Military heritage
  • Rural heritage
  • Archaeological sites and landscapes
  • Coastal, marine and maritime heritage
  • Faith and commemorative heritage
  • Urban and public realm
  • A wide range of building types
  • Aspects of the development of historic buildings and their function
  • Heritage science including scientific dating
  • Building and landscape conservation
  • Historic environment climate change adaptation

Predecessor series

The Research Report Series (RRS) contains several earlier report series, including those produced by our research teams while working for the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) and then for English Heritage (EH), prior to the establishment of Historic England in 2015:

  • the former Centre for Archaeology Reports Series
  • the Archaeological Investigation Report Series
  • the Architectural Investigation Report Series
  • the Ancient Monuments Laboratory (AML) Series
  • the Research Department Report Series

In addition, the RRS database includes reports produced by external experts as part of major research programmes, including the National Mapping Programme (NMP) and the Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Surveys (RCZAS).

Further research resources

Outside the scope of this database search, elsewhere we also hold reports on the following:

You can find out more about our priorities for the research we carry out or fund through our research strategy and agenda.

You can also keep up to date with highlights of our research in Historic England Research digital magazine and Latest Research pages.