Social and Economic Research Reports
Explore research reports commissioned and produced by the Socio-economic Research Team. This research has been produced to improve the evidence base on the 'Value of Heritage', alongside the Heritage Counts evidence base.
Please note that the majority of research was commissioned by English Heritage before the organisation split and the statutory function became Historic England. The name English Heritage is used in past research reports and publications. The Social-economic Research Team is part of Historic England and research continues to be commissioned by the new organisation.
Research Reports
Asset Led Studies
- Colliers and English Heritage (2011) ‘Encouraging Investment in Industrial Heritage at Risk’: Summary Report.'
- Colliers and English Heritage (2011) ‘Encouraging Investment in Industrial Heritage at Risk’: Investment performance of Listed Properties.'
- Colliers and English Heritage (2011) ‘Encouraging Investment in Industrial Heritage at Risk’: Main Report.'
- Colliers International and Historic England (2018) ‘Commercial Use of Listed Buildings in Towns and Cities.’
- Colliers International and Historic England (2018) ‘Creative Industries in Historic Buildings and Environments - Developer Perspective.'
- English Heritage and Living Stones (2010) 'Blessings or Burdens? Listed Places of Worship and their Role in Communities - Key Findings.’
- English Heritage and Living Stones (2010) ‘Blessings or Burdens? Listed Places of Worship and their Role in Communities - Main Report.'
- Gaskell, P. and Owen, S. (2005) ‘Historic Farm Buildings: Constructing the Evidence Base.’
- Historic England, OSCI, and (2017) ‘Socio-economic Trends and Growth in Conservation Areas.’
- Historic England and Colliers International (2015) ‘Use of Historic Buildings for Residential Purposes.'
- Ramidus Consulting Ltd (2018) ‘A Perspective on Agile Working in Historic Buildings.'
Education, Skills and Training Research
- Brennan, J., Legard, J., and Purdy, K. (2024) Skills Needs Analysis: For the Repair, Maintenance and Retrofit of Traditional (pre-1919) Buildings in England
- CABE (2009) ‘Green Space Skills.'
- Creative and Cultural Skills and English Heritage (2013) ‘The Historic Environment and Cultural Heritage Skills Survey.'
- E3 Marketing and English Heritage (2005) ‘Project to Map Careers, Occupations and Skills Required for the Management and Maintenance of Botanic and Historic Gardens.'
- English Heritage and The Institute of Conservation (2006) ‘Architectural Conservators Education and Training in England: Preserve as Found? Russell Smith of Intuitive Design.'
- English Heritage and The Institute of Conservation (2006) ‘Architectural Conservators Education and Training in England: Preserve as Found?’
- English Heritage, Historic Scotland, and CITB (2013) ‘Skills Needs Analysis 2013’.
- European Agenda for Culture (2018) ‘Fostering Cooperation in the European Union on Skills, Training and Knowledge Transfer in Cultural Heritage Professions.'
- Historic England (2005) ‘Parks Need People.'
- Historic England and ALGAO (2013) ‘Professional Skills in Local Authority Archaeological Services 2013.'
- Historic England and IHBC (2013) ‘Skills Assessment of Local Authority Conservation Staff.’
- NHTG (2005) ‘Traditional Building Craft Skills: England 2005.'
- NHTG (2008) ‘Traditional Building Craft Skills.’
Engagement and Participation Research
- BDRC and English Heritage (2009) ‘Broadening Access to the Historic Environment - Understanding Families from Lower Socio-economic Groups.'
- BDRC Continental and English Heritage (2010) ‘Industrial Heritage at Risk Public Attitudes Survey.'
- Bradley, D.P., Coombes, M., Bradley, J. and Tranos, E., (2011) ‘Assessing the Importance and Value of Historic Buildings to Young People: English Heritage Research Report.'
- BMG Research (2022) ‘Listed Building and Conservation Area Owner/Occupier Survey.'
- Britain Thinks and Historic Environment Forum (2009) ‘Historic Environment Forum – Heritage Counts 2011.'
- CEBR (2007) ‘Attending Heritage Sites: Main Technical Report.'
- CEBR (2007) ‘Attending Heritage Sites: Summary.'
- Civic Voice (2011) ‘Civic Survey Summary of Results.'
- English Heritage (2010) ‘Visiting the Past: An Analysis of the Drivers of Visiting Historic Attractions.'
- English Heritage (2011) ‘Mapping Leisure: Visualising the Landscape of Cultural and Sporting Participation.'
- English Heritage (2006) ‘Survey of Heritage Television Viewing 2005-2006.'
- English Heritage (2012) ‘English Heritage Stakeholder Research Findings.'
- Historic England (2017) ‘Conservation Areas: YouGov Public Opinion Poll.'
- MORI and English Heritage (2003) ‘Making Heritage Count?’
- The Heritage Alliance (2011) ‘Strengthening Civil Society: The Role of Heritage.'
- The Heritage Alliance and Historic England (2011) ‘Strengthening Civil Society: The Role of Heritage: Summary Report.'
- YouGov, (2018) ‘Quality of Places Survey Results.'
Environmental Analysis
- Duffy, A., Nerguti, A., Engel, C. and Cox, P. (2019) ‘Understanding Carbon in the Historic Environment Scoping Study Final Report.'
- Duffy, A., Nerguti, A., Engel, C. and Cox, P. (2020) ‘Understanding Carbon in the Historic Environment Case Study Extension.'
- Dorpalen, B., (2019) ‘Valuing Carbon in pre-1919 Residential Buildings.'
- Organ, S., Wood, M., Drewniak, D. and Lamond, J. (2020) ‘Carbon Reduction Scenarios in the Built Historic Environment: Final Report.'
- Jura Consultants, Simpson and Brown, and English Heritage (2013) ‘Evaluating Heritage at Risk: Reviews of Pilot Projects for English Heritage.'
- Historic England (2024) ‘Coventry High Street Heritage Action Zone Evaluation.'
- Historic England (2022) ‘Learning About Local Heritage: A Study of the Impact of the Heritage Schools Programme.'
- Historic England (2024) ‘Evaluation Report: Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings Construction Phase.'
- Nordicity, Saffery Champness, and Historic England (2019) ‘Evaluation of the Impact of the Heritage at Risk Repair Grants Programme.'
- Nordicity, Saffery Champness, and Historic England (2019b) ‘Evaluation of the Impact of the Heritage at Risk Repair Grants Programme.'
Impact Assessments
- AMION, Locum Consulting, and English Heritage (2010) ‘Impact of Historic Environment Regeneration: Executive Summary.'
- BDRC Continental (2010) ‘Listed Places of Worship Grant Impact Assessment.'
- CEBR (2023) ‘The Heritage Sector in England and its Impact on the Economy: An Updated Report for Historic England.'
- Cerisola, S. (2024) 'Multidimensional Creativity as a Mediator Between Cultural Heritage and Regional Economic Development in England.'
- Colliers International and Historic England (2018) ‘Creative Industries in Historic Buildings and Environments.'
- Colliers International and Historic England (2018) ‘Creative Industries in Historic Buildings and Environments - Data Analysis Report.'
- Colliers International and Historic England (2018) ‘Creative Industries in Historic Buildings and Environments - Summary Report.'
- Cushman & Wakefield (2021) ‘Driving Northern Growth Through Repurposing Historic Mills.'
- English Heritage and ECOTEC (2004) ‘The Economic and Social Impacts of Cathedrals in England.'
- English Heritage, AMION, and Locum Consulting (2010) ‘Impact of Historic Environment Regeneration.'
- English Heritage, Heritage Lottery Fund, and BOP Consulting (2012) ‘Case Studies of Resilient Heritage Organisations.'
- English Heritage, Heritage Lottery Fund, and BOP Consulting (2012b) ‘Heritage Organisations and Resilience.'
- English Heritage (2010) ‘Key Findings from the Listed Places of Worship Scheme (LPOWS) Research.'
- EUCLID and Historic England (2017) ‘Assessing the European Union’s Contribution to England’s Historic Environment.'
- GHK, English Heritage, and The National Trust (2010) ‘Impact of Historic Visitor Attractions.'
- Heritage Lottery Fund and The Work Foundation (2010) ‘Heritage in the 2020 Knowledge Economy.'
- Heritage Lottery Fund and English Heritage (2012) ‘The Economic Impact of Maintaining and Repairing Historic Buildings in England.'
- Historic England (2014) 'The Value and Impact of Heritage.'
- Historic England and TBR (2016) ‘Place Branding and Heritage.'
- Jeremy Eckstein Associates and English Heritage (2004) ‘Estimating the Aggregate Annual Amount Available for Repairs and Restoration to the Fabric of Historic Buildings in England.'
Valuation Studies
- Ahlfeldt, G.M., Holman, N. and Wendland, N., (2012) ‘An Assessment of the Effects of Conservation Areas on Value.'
- English Heritage, Heritage Lottery Fund, and EFTEC (2005) ‘Valuation of the Historic Environment Final Report.'
- Fujiwara, D., Cornwall, T. and Dolan, P., (2014) ‘Heritage and Wellbeing.'
- Historic England (2024) ‘Cultural Heritage Capital and Wellbeing: Examining the Relationship between Heritage Density and Life Satisfaction.'
- Lawton, R., Fujiwara, D., Szydlowska, A., Lagarde, A., Radosevic, D., Arber, M., van Emmerik, I. (2021) ‘Heritage and the Value of Place.'