Archived Advice
We regularly review our advice and guidance documents to make sure they remain relevant and up-to-date and as a result we have decided to archive the following documents. This is a list of all the advice and guidance documents we have archived or withdrawn from our website since January 2017.
We link through to a webpage or other sources of information wherever we can when a document has been archived.
If you would like to get a digital copy of an archived document, for your information only, please email [email protected] supplying the title, author, and publication date. We aim to respond to requests for archived copies within five working days.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | U | W
- A Landscape Legacy: National Parks and the Historic Environment
- Anthrax and Historic Plaster. Managing Minor Risks in Historic Building Refurbishment
- Archaeological Excavation Project Planning Note (MoRPHE PPN3), see our advice on project management for more information.
- Archaeomagnetic Dating - Guidelines, see our geophysical survey advice page for more information.
- Bats in Traditional Buildings, see our advice on building works and bats for more information.
- Biomass Energy and the Historic Environment, see our webpages on renewable energy for more information.
- BsEST Practice 1- Principles of Conservation Practice: Engineering the past to meet the needs of the future
- BsEST Practice 5 - Principles of Conservation Practice: Engineering the past to meet the needs of the future
- Caring for Historic Graveyard and Cemetery Monuments, see our advice on cemeteries and burial grounds for more information.
- Caring for Our Shipwreck Heritage, see our advice on archaeological conservation for more information.
- Complex Architectural Survey Project Planning Note (MoRPHE PPN4), see our advice on project management for more information.
- Developing Controlled Terminology Project Planning Note (MoRPHE PPN2), see our advice on project management for more information.
- Durability Guaranteed - Pulhamite Rockwork
- Enabling Development and the Conservation of Significant Places
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings Application of Part L, see our advice on building regulations for more information.
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Advice for Domestic Energy Assessors and Green Deal Advisors
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Energy Performance Certificates, see our advice on Energy Performance Certificates for more information.
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: How to Improve Energy Efficiency, see our advice on Energy Efficiency and Retrofit in Historic Buildings for more information.
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Open fires,chimneys and flues, see our advice on open fires, chimneys and flues for more information.
- Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Solar Electric (Photovoltaics), see our advice on installing photovoltaic systems in historic buildings for more information.
- Energy Efficiency and Traditional Homes: Historic England Advice Note 14, see Adapting Historic Buildings for Energy and Carbon Efficiency: Advice Note 18 for more information.
- Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings - Heat Pumps, see our advice on installing heat pumps in historic buildings for more information.
- External Lighting for Historic Buildings, see our advice on external lighting of historic buildings for more information.
- Farming the Historic Landscape - Caring for Archaeological Sites in Grassland
- Farming the Historic Landscape - Caring for Archaeological Sites on Arable Land
- Farming the Historic Landscape - Caring for Historic Parkland
- Geophysical Survey in Archaeological Field Evaluation, see our geophysical survey advice page for more information.
- Golf Detailed Guideline 1: Course Layout and Density
- Golf Detailed Guideline 2: Landform
- Golf Detailed Guideline 3: Buildings, Car Parks and Circulation
- Golf Detailed Guideline 4: Trees and New Planting
- Golf Detailed Guideline 5: Furniture, Paths and Lighting
- Golf Detailed Guideline 6: Bunkers
- Golf Detailed Guideline 7: Grassland Management
- Golf Detailed Guideline 8: Water Bodies and Irrigation
- Golf Detailed Guideline 9: Landscape Management
- Golf Detailed Guideline 10: The Wider Historic Landscape Character
- Golf in Historic Parks and Landscapes
- Golf in Historic Parks and Landscapes - the Planning System and Related Guidance
- Golf in Historic Parks and Landscapes - Trends and Impacts
- Golf in Historic Parks and Landscapes - Understanding Historic Park Designs
- Golf in Historic Parks and Landscapes. Reference and Contacts
- Guidelines for the Curation of Waterlogged Macroscopic Plant and Invertebrate Remains, see our environmental archaeology webpage for more information.
- Horsham Stone Roofs, see this page for more information.
- Identifying and Protecting Palaeolithic Remains: Archaeological guidance for planning authorities and developers
- Interpretation and mapping from aerial photographs and other aerial remote sensed data Project Planning Note (MoRPHE PPN7), see our advice on project management for more information.
- Introductions to Heritage Assets: Burnt Mounds
- Investigative Conservation, see our archaeological conservation webpage for more information.
- Knowing your place, see our neighbourhood planning webpages for more information.
- Lightning Protection For Churches: A Guide to Design and Installation
- London Terrace Houses 1660-1860- A Guide to Alterations and Extensions, see our advice on historic terraced housing for more information.
- London's Historic Fire Stations
- Luminescence Dating, see our advice on scientific dating for more information.
- Managing Heritage Assets
- Managing Lithic Scatters: Archaeological guidance for planning authorities and developers, see our new guidance for more information.
- Marine Archaeological Geophysical Survey (MoRPHE PPN 1), see our advice on project management for more information.
- Marine Investigation (MoRPHE Project Planning Note 8), see our advice on project management for more information.
- Measured and Drawn: Techniques and practice for the metric survey of historic buildings (Second Edition), see our recording heritage webpage for more information.
- Metal Theft from Historic Buildings, see our web page on theft from places of worship for more information.
- Micro Wind Generation and Traditional Buildings, see our advice on generating energy in older houses for more information.
- Microgeneration in the Historic Environment, see our advice on renewable energy for more information.
- Mineral Extraction and Archaeology: A Practice Guide
- Mineral Extraction and the Historic Environment, see our advice on minerals extraction for more information.
- New uses for former places of worship, see our advice on new uses for places of worship for more information.
- New Work in Historic Places of Worship, see our advice on making changes to places of worship for more information.
- Outstanding Beauty Outstanding Heritage: AONBs and the Historic Environment
- Paradise Preserved, see our advice on cemeteries and burial grounds for more information.
- Practical considerations for the design and implementation of refurbishment projects of historic school buildings
- Protection against Lightning and the new standard's key requirements
- Safeguarding Archaeological Information
- Seeing the History in the View
- Shoreline Management Plan Review and the Historic Environment: English Heritage Guidance
- Small Scale Solar Thermal Energy and Traditional Buildings, see our advice on the use of low carbon energy generation technologies for more information.
- Stone Slate Roofing: Technical Advice Note, see our stone slate roofing webpage for more information.
- Surge Protection Equipment: A Guide to Selection and Installation in Historic Buildings
- The Changing Face of the High Street: Decline and Revival, see our historic towns and high streets advice for more information.
- The Presentation of Historic Building Survey in Computer Aided Draughting, see our advice on surveying and recording heritage for more information.
- The Production, Analysis and Standardisation of Romano-British Coin Report
- The Protection & Management of World Heritage Sites in England
- Treatment of Disused Lead Mine Shafts: A Guide to Good Practice
- Understanding Historic Buildings: Policy and Guidance for Local Planning Authorities, see the advice on our planning webpage for more information.
- Understanding Place: Character and context in local planning, see our characterisation webpages for more information.
- Using Historic Landscape Characterisation, see our historic landscape characterisation webpage for more information.
- Writing standards and guidance Project Planning Note (MoRPHE PPN6), see our advice on project management for more information.
If you want to get hold of copies of archived guidance documents for information please email [email protected] including as much detail about the publication as possible.